version 1.2 is here ~!

In between the PDF release and the printing prep, some minor tweaks have been made to the rulebook. For the curious, changes are as follow:

  • Improved contrast on the page color; everything now reads a bit cleaner to the eye.
  • Updated some art that was really bugging me.
  • Caught a few ugly typos—hopefully they're all gone now.
  • Added/Updated some product info (printer, ISBN, etc) that was missing.
  • Made incredibly small changes to the text that were definitely not a risky move and hopefully didn't create more problems than they solved.

That's pretty much it. Overall, this update takes the digital version up to speed with the print one, and makes for slightly of a smoother reading experience—please consider re-downloading if you already got the original PDF.

And speaking of print, after some hiccups and unexpected turns, the physical books are almost here! Tomorrow I will be approving the final (final final) version so we can start producing the full run. I already got some test copies. In all honesty, they look unbelievable. Take a look below.

talk soon,



Crescent Moon โ˜พ - spreads (1.2) 102 MB
Oct 14, 2021
Crescent Moon โ˜พ - singles (1.2).pdf 102 MB
Oct 14, 2021


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